There is a lot of great data from smartlist, smartlist builder, excel builder as well but sometimes you just want to get to the raw data so you can take a closer look.
Here is a query I put together for getting the customers and aging bucket details out of Microsoft Dynamics GP. This works in all releases of Dynamics GP back to version 10 as it is primarily based on the customer master and master summary in GP. You can then use this data to generate customized SSRS statements to customers after the aging process is completed, to send alerts or notification reports to administrative staff, or for your collections dashboards for your accounting departments.
One thing to note is that this might require slight adjustments depending on your buckets setup. This will reflect data in buckets from the GP customer aging located in Dynamics GP under Tools–> Routines -> Sales -> Aging. Choose the date in GP that you want to age as of and then you can run the query attached to get right at the data.
The Script is saved as a .txt file, just copy and paste it into sql management studio or rename to .sql.