Microsoft Dynamics CRM Software Development Kit (SDK) for CRM Online and on-premises CRM 2016

Here is the download for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 SDK ->

Is the CRM 2016 SDK Free?

Yes, the software included in the CRM 2016 SDK is free to use and is meant for developers to create additional functionality within the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Platform.

Who is the CRM 2016 SDK For?

The Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Software Development Kit (SDK) is for developers. The documentation contains information for developers writing server side code, client-side scripts, custom business logic, integration modules, workflow assemblies, and plug-ins.

What is included in the CRM 2016 SDK?

The SDK includes an architectural overview of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, the entity model, security model, and web services. Sample code and walkthroughs are provided to guide you through the new features.

It also contains information for developers customizing the web client or Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook, including scripting, integration of custom web pages, and sample code.

In addition to the documentation, this download package includes the assemblies and tools needed for development, helper code for authentication, and Microsoft Visual Studio projects for the sample code found in the documentation.

What else is available in the CRM 2016 SDK?

You can also choose to download the User Interface Integration (UII) solution framework, which includes a deployment guide, development guide and api reference.

UII uses Microsoft Dynamics CRM for the delivery of configuration data for the Integrated Agent Desktop. It includes development and run-time components.

Applications built with UII can provide unified access to customer information across different systems and can aggregate different modes of customer interactions or channels.

Can the tools in the SDK be used for on-premise and 365 deployments?

Yes, although some things will be different between on-premise and 365 release. You will still be able to use the plugin registration, entity class generation, and other tools included in the SDK to get you started.

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